Haldi K38 puurauk
Nimi Haldi K38 puurauk
Number K38
Tüüp puurauk
Riik Eesti
Vald Emmaste
Asutusüksus Mänspe küla
Kõrgus 4.50
Lat 58.81565
Long 22.46939
Koord. määraja Eesti Geoloogiakeskus (EGK)
Maa-amet ID 28652
Kirje muudetud 2011-11-15
Brenchley et al., 2003
High-resolution stable isotope stratigraphy of Upper Ordovician sequences: Constraints on the timing of bioevents and environmental changes associated with mass extinction and glaciation
34.1-40.2 m isotoobid Porkuni lademest
Kaljo et al., 2001a
Carbon isotope stratigraphy in the latest Ordovician of Estonia
34.1-40.2 m Porkuni lade
Raukas et al., 1999a
Tracing the Age of the Catastrophic Impact Event in Sedimentary Sequences around the Kaali Meteorite Craters on the Island of Saaremaa, Estonia
88Porkuni lade
Brenchley et al., 1997
New isotopic data solving an old biostratigraphic problem: the age of the upper Ordovician brachiopod Holorhynchus giganteus
9934.1-40.2 m Porkuni lade