Väike-Pakri Island
General info
Name Väike-Pakri Island
Type geographical place or area
Country Estonia
Settlement Paldiski
Latitude 59.361622
Longitude 23.964761
Coord. method Est Land Board map server
Coord. agent Aaloe, Aasa
Location remarks Koordinaadid Väike-Pakri pangalt
Date added 2001-02-26
Date changed 2014-04-11
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Revision of the Ordovician cheirurid trilobite genus Reraspis with the description of the earliest representative
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The Billingen and Volkhov stages in the northern East Baltic: detailed stratigraphy and lithofacies zonation
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Über die Gerölle in der Wolhow- und Kundastufe (Unterordovizium) Estlands
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Põhja-Eesti paekallas
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Välipäevik nr 1: Eesti Ordoviitsiumi paljandid
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Uhaku lademe (CIc) stratigraafia Eesti NSV-s
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Lithologie der Tallinna-Serie (Ordovizium, Estland) I
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The Early Paleozoic Bryozoa of the Baltic Provinces
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