Gotska Sandön borehole
General info
Name Gotska Sandön borehole
Type borehole (section)
Country Sweden
Elevation 2.00
Latitude 58.347543
Longitude 19.213807
Coord. method Google Maps / Earth
Coord. agent Aaloe, Aasa
Location remarks Gotska Sandöni saar asub ~38 km Färo'st põhja pool. On ~9 km pikk ja 6 km lai. Puurauk asub saare edelaosa Hamnuddeni tuletorni lähedal. Koordinaadid ligikaudsed.
Strat. top
Strat. base
Remarks Puuritud 1957 Uppsala Ülikooli Paleontoloogia Instituudi poolt
Date changed 2019-01-08
Grahn & Nõlvak, 2010
Swedish Ordovician Chitinozoa and biostratigraphy: a review and new data
Nõlvak & Grahn, 1993
Ordovician chitinozoan zones from Baltoscandia
Hagenfeldt, 1988
Acritarch assemblages of Early and Middle Cambrian age in the Baltic Depression and south-central Sweden
Cm akritarhid
Männil, Ralf, 1966a
Evolution of the Baltic Basin during the Ordovician
Thorslund, 1958
Deep boring at Gotska Sandön