Bauska borehole
General info
Name Bauska borehole
Type borehole (section)
Country Latvia
Elevation 13.90
Latitude 56.407
Longitude 24.187433
Location remarks Riiast ca 60 km lõuna pool ja Bauskast 0,5 km lõunas. Linna keskosa koordinaadid
Strat. base
Remarks puuritud 1954. a
Date changed 2018-08-07
Kurshs, 1992
Devonian terrigenous sedimentation in the Main Devonian Field
8asukoht kaardil
Korkutis, 1968
The stratigraphy of the Cambrian deposits of the Southern Baltic
Karpitskis, 1966
Main features of the geological development of western Latvia in the Early Paleozoic
Männil, Ralf, 1966a
Evolution of the Baltic Basin during the Ordovician
Ulst, 1960b
Ordovician System