Soovälja K18 borehole
General info
Name Soovälja K18 borehole
Number K18
Type borehole (section)
Country Estonia
Parish Pühalepa
Elevation 5.70
Latitude 58.977351
Longitude 22.773206
X 6538238
Y 429451
Coord. agent Eesti Geoloogiakeskus (EGK)
Location remarks Kärdla kraatri keskosas
Strat. top
Strat. base
Estonian Land Board ID 28109
Date changed 2022-12-06
Suuroja et al., 2016a
Avaldamata puursüdamike kirjeldused
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K-Ar dating of the Lower Palaeozoic K-bentonites from the Baltic Basin and the Baltic Shield: implications for the role of temperature and time in the illitization of smectite
K-Ar dating of illite-smectite in K-bentonite
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Impact-induced and diagenetic changes in minerals in the sandy ejecta of the Kärdla crater, NW Estonia
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Välipäevik nr 10: bentoniidiproovid Lääne-Eestist, Anelema karjäärist, Valgu paljandist jm
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Geology, petrography, shock petrography, and geochemistry of impactites and target rocks from the Kärdla crater, Estonia
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Alteration of zircon and garnet due to low-pressure shock at the Kärdla crater, Estonia
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The Kärdla, Tvären, and Lockne craters - possible evidences of Ordovician asteroid swarm
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Ordovician impact crater at Kärdla, Hiiumaa Island, Estonia
asukoht kaardil, geoloogilisel profiilil
Kala et al., 1984b
Main features of the Kärdla buried crater
Tassa & Perens, 1984
Aruanne mineraalvee otsingutest sanatooriumi jaoks Hiiumaal