Puhmu 567 borehole
General info
Name Puhmu 567 borehole
Number 567
Type borehole (section)
Country Estonia
Parish Koeru
Settlement Puhmu
Elevation 88.00
Latitude 59.006472
Longitude 26.084133
Coord. method Est Land Board map server
Coord. agent Aaloe, Aasa
Location remarks Järva-Jaani - Jõgeva mnt Koeru teeristist ca 3,3 km kirdes
Strat. top
Strat. base
Remarks Fosforiidile 1984. a. NB! maa-ameti andmebaasis on sügavus 210m. Nn Rakvere ploki puurauk; EGF 4068
Estonian Land Board ID 1139
Date changed 2019-03-06
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A multiproxy study of the Puhmu core section (Estonia, Upper Ordovician): consequences for stratigraphy and environmental interpretation
77-92kompleksne uuring (Oandu-Juuru)
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A Hirnantian deep-water refuge for warm-water ostracods in Baltoscandia
739asukoha skeem
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Morphology, ontogeny and affinities of the Hirnantian triplisiid brachiopod Streptis undifera from Baltoscandia
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The Pirgu Regional Stage (Upper Ordovician) in the East Baltic: lithostratigraphy, biozonation and correlation
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Review of the Ordovician rhynchonelliformean Brachiopoda of the East Baltic: their distribution and biofacies
brahhiopoodide levik
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Geology and Mineral Resources of Estonia
82,8691-122m, Nabala lade; 36.75-78.8m Pirgu lade
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Late Ordovician Ostracodes of Estonia. Fossilia Baltica 2
12, 171, 182, 187asukoht, ostrakoodide levik, 28.8-91-138m
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