Popovka River, Leningrad Oblast
General info
Name Popovka River, Leningrad Oblast
Type outcrop
Country Russia
Latitude 59.666818
Longitude 30.403508
Coordinate precision 100-1000 m
Coord. method Google Maps / Earth
Coord. agent Aaloe, Aasa
Location remarks Popovka jõgi on Slavjanka jõe lisajõgi Pavlovski linna kaguosas Popovo ja Piaselevo külade läheduses. L. Popovi järgi on paljand jõe paremal kaldal ca 1 km Popovo küla sillast lääne pool (ülesvoolu) (L. Popovi punkt 716, vt Rubel & Popov, 1994); K. Mens 1977 asukoha
Strat. top
Strat. base
Date added 2001-03-29
Date changed 2020-04-01
Pärnaste, 2006a
The earliest encrinurid trilobites from the East Baltic and their taxonomic interest
Pärnaste, 2006b
The Early Ordovician trilobite distribution and zonation of the East Baltic
Pärnaste, 2003
The Lower Ordovician trilobite Krattaspis: the earliest cyrtometopinid (Cheiruridae) from the Arenig of the east Baltic
Pushkin & Popov, 1999
Early Ordovician bryozoans from north-western Russia
172.173asukoht ja läbilõige
Zuykov, 1999
Platystrophia (Orthida, Brachiopoda) from the Arenig and lowermost Llanvirn of northwestern Russia
Popov & Holmer, 1994
Cambrian-Ordovician lingulate brachiopods from Scandinavia, Kazakhstan, and South Ural Mountains
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Rubel & Popov, 1994
Brachiopods of the subfamily Atelelasmatinae (Clitambonitacea) from the Arenig, Ordovician, of the Baltic klint area
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17-18Pakerordi lade
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On Baltic Lower Ordovician gonambonitids (Clitambonitacea, Brach.)
Isküll & Kuznetsov, 1962
Geologičeskij očerk doliny reki Lavy (Leningradskaâ oblast')
Rubel, 1961a
Lower-Ordovician brachiopods of the superfamilies Orthacea, Dalmanellacea and Syntrophiacea of Eastern Baltic
Müürisepp, 1957a
Diktüoneema-kiltkivi ja glaukoniit-liivakivi geoloogia Eesti NSV-s
87-88oja vasakul kaldal, 1956.a profiil
Lamansky, 1905
Drevnejšie sloi silurijskih otloženij Rossii