Depth (m)
GIT 167-45Dayia bohemicaEzere 9 borehole976.00Kaugatuma Stage
GIT 485-325-4ProetusEzere 9 borehole978.20Kaugatuma Stage
GIT 485-325-3ProetusEzere 9 borehole978.20Kaugatuma Stage
GIT 485-325-2ProetusEzere 9 borehole978.20Kaugatuma Stage
GIT 485-325-1ProetusEzere 9 borehole978.20Kaugatuma Stage
GIT 485-324-2ProetusEzere 9 borehole978.20Kaugatuma Stage
GIT 485-324-1ProetusEzere 9 borehole978.20Kaugatuma Stage
GIT 485-323ProetusEzere 9 borehole976.00Kaugatuma Stage
GIT 483-348CalymeninaEzere 9 borehole1082.00Paadla Stage
GIT 483-347CalymeninaEzere 9 borehole971.40Kaugatuma Stage
GIT 483-346CalymeninaEzere 9 borehole971.40Kaugatuma Stage
GIT 483-319-3CalymeninaEzere 9 borehole978.65Kaugatuma Stage
GIT 483-319-2CalymeninaEzere 9 borehole978.65Kaugatuma Stage
GIT 483-319-1CalymeninaEzere 9 borehole978.65Kaugatuma Stage
GIT 483-318CalymeninaEzere 9 borehole978.65Kaugatuma Stage
GIT 483-80Calymene ezerensisEzere 9 borehole976.30Kaugatuma Stage
GIT 483-79Calymene ezerensisEzere 9 borehole949.50Kaugatuma Stage
GIT 483-78Calymene ezerensisEzere 9 borehole976.40Kaugatuma Stage
GIT 483-77Calymene ezerensisEzere 9 borehole976.00Kaugatuma Stage
GIT 483-76TrilobitaEzere 9 borehole978.50Kaugatuma Stage
GIT 187-3Calymene ezerensisEzere 9 borehole976.00Kaugatuma Stage
GIT 187-2Calymene ezerensisEzere 9 borehole978.20Kaugatuma Stage
GIT 187-1Calymene ezerensisEzere 9 borehole976.00Kaugatuma Stage
GIT 167-40Dayia bohemicaEzere 9 borehole963.40Kaugatuma Stage
GIT 167-35Dayia bohemicaEzere 9 borehole976.30Kaugatuma Stage
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