Saku 1098A borehole
General info
Name Saku 1098A borehole
Number 1098A
Type borehole (section)
Country Estonia
Parish Saku
Elevation 48.70
Location remarks Saku paemurru serval
Strat. top
Strat. base
Remarks Oandu lademe Saku kihistiku hüpostratotüüp. Puuritud mais 1977
Date changed 2018-03-23
Kröger et al., 2014c
The early Katian (Late Ordovician) reefs near Saku, northern Estonia and the age of the Saku Member, Vasalemma Formation
Kaljo et al., 2004a
Late Ordovician carbon isotope trend in Estonia, its significance in stratigraphy and environmental analysis
1,0-35,7 m Keila-Oandu lade
Raukas & Teedumäe, 1997 (eds)
Geology and Mineral Resources of Estonia
Hints, L., 1996a
Vasalemma quarry
Hints, L., 1990b
Locality 2:2. Vasalemma quarry
Põlma et al., 1988
Lithology and fauna of the type sections of the Caradoc Series in North Estonia
Põlma, 1980, välipäevik 9
Välipäevik nr 9: Keila, Oandu ja Rakvere lademe puuraugud Vasalemma piirkonnast jm (1977-1980)
1-120-50m Oandu-Kukruse lade
Hints, L., 1979b
New data on the distribution of brachiopods in the Jõhvi Stage of North Estonia