Kybartai 22 borehole
General info
Name Kybartai 22 borehole
Number 22
Type borehole (section)
Country Lithuania
Latitude 54.61948
Longitude 22.7311
Coordinate system Lietuvos Koordinaciu Sistema
Coordinate precision 10-100 m
Coord. agent Brazauskas
Remarks Südamik ei ole säilinud
Date added 2002-10-17
Date changed 2018-10-11
Grigelis & Kadunas, 1994 (eds)
Geology of Lithuania
401275-1390 Kambriumi läbilõige
Jankauskas & Lendzion, 1994
Biostratigraphic correlation of Lower and Middle Cambrian sections in the Baltic Syneclise and adjacent areas
3691279-1390.3 m Cm
Jankauskas, 1991
Biostratigraphy of the Lower and Middle Cambrian boundary beds of Lithuania
1279.5-1390.4m Cm läbilõige
Jankauskas & Posti, 1976
New Cambrian acritarchs from the East Baltic Area
Brangulis et al., 1974
Structural facial scheme of the East Baltic in the Vendian and Cambrian
Jankauskas, 1972
Biostratigraphy of the Lower Cambrian of Lithuania (on Acritarchs)
1330-1357 m Rausve lade
Korkutis, 1971a
The Cambrian deposits of the Baltic area
441278-1279.6m Oobolustega kihid; 1352.7-1390.35m Kesk-ja Ülem-Kambrium
Mens & Pirrus, 1971, välipäevik 42
Välipäevik nr 42: Läti, Leedu ja Kaliningradi oblasti puuraugud
Korkutis, 1968
The stratigraphy of the Cambrian deposits of the Southern Baltic