Vilniuse borehole
General info
Name Vilniuse borehole
Type borehole (section)
Country Lithuania
Elevation 99.80
Location remarks Vilnius, Rotundo tn 2 (aadress puurimise ajal)
Strat. top
Strat. base
Remarks puuritud enne 1950. a
Date added 2003-01-31
Date changed 2018-08-07
Aaloe, Ago, 1977a
The grain component in East Baltic Silurian sediments according to boring data
Jürgenson, 1977a
Subdivision of the East Baltic Silurian according to terrigenous material
Jürgenson & Tiirmaa, 1973
Descriptions of Latvian and Lithuanian boreholes
154-16171.6-222.6m Silur
Jürgenson, 1973a
CaO and MgO distribution in the deposits of the Baltic Wenlockian
Jürgenson & Tiirmaa, 1972a
On the distribution of Glauconite in the Baltic Silurian
171-173S, glaukoniidi levik
Jürgenson & Tiirmaa, 1972b
Läti ja Leedu puuraukude kirjeldused
154-16180-222.6 m
Jürgenson, 1970, välipäevik 33
Välipäevik nr 33: Leedu puuraugud
29-3880-237.5m Silur
Jürgenson, 1968, välipäevik 23
Välipäevik nr 23: Leedu puuraugud
75-8280-237.5m Silur
Korkutis, 1968
The stratigraphy of the Cambrian deposits of the Southern Baltic
Nestor, H. & Kala, 1968
A stratigraphic revision of the lowermost Silurian in the northern East-Baltic area
13390-502.8m Vend
Sakalauskas, 1968b
The Vendian of Lithuania
11, 13390-502.8m, Vend
Vasiliauskas & Žeiba, 1962
On the Narova strata of southeastern Lithuania
16571.6-161 m
Aaloe, Ago, 1958, välipäevik 6
Välipäevik nr 6: andmeid Läti ja Kaliningradi aruannetest; Häädemeeste, Tahkuranna, Kingissepa, Sakla puurauk
14-19väljakirjutused aruandest