Toolse 555 borehole
General info
Name Toolse 555 borehole
Number 555
Type borehole (section)
Country Estonia
Parish Vihula
Date added 2003-03-10
Date changed 2014-03-25
Popov et al., 2019a
Glendonite occurrences in the Tremadocian of Baltica: first Early Palaeozoic evidence of massive ikaite precipitation at temperate latitudes
d18O from conodonts, Pakerort and Varangu Stages
Kaljo & Kivimägi, 1976
Zonal stratigraphy of the Estonian Tremadocian
Pakerordi lade 16.6-26.1
Kaljo & Viira, 1973
Litoloogilis-stratigraafiline ja paleontoloogiline põhjendus Tremadoki setete detailsest jaotumisest Põhja-Eestis
6-7distribution of Tremadocian conodonts