Tsiistre 327 borehole
General info
Name Tsiistre 327 borehole
Number 327
Type borehole (section)
Country Estonia
Parish Misso
Elevation 196.50
Latitude 57.673056
Longitude 27.191944
Coordinate precision 100-1000 m
Coord. method map
Coord. agent Eesti Geoloogiakeskus (EGK)
Strat. top
Strat. base
Remarks Puuritud Võru kaardistamisrühma poolt 1963 (Kajak, Väärsi jt aruanne EGF 2301, 1964). A. Kleesmendi andmetel puuriti Mära 327 nime all, kuid K. Kajakule ei meeldinud see nimi ja puurauk sai nimeks Tsiistre. Pinnakatet 37.4m
Estonian Land Board ID 1174
Date changed 2018-12-06
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Temporal evolution, petrography and composition of dolostones in the Upper Devonian Plavinas Regional Stage, southern Estonia and northern Latvia
140-141,143,146,151,45-67.1m, Plavinase lade
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Linkage of diagenesis to depositional environments and stratigraphy in the northern part of the Baltic basin
17, 18, 20-21Devon
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Lower and Middle Ordovician conodonts from subsurface of SE Estonia and adjacent Russia
7, 15486-494.7 m konodondid
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Roundness and surface features of quartz grains in Middle Devonian deposits of the East Baltic and their palaeogeographical implications
73, 75300-486m, Devon, õhikud
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Systematic position, distribution, and shell structure of the Devonian linguloid brachiopod Bicarinatina bicarinata (Kutorga, 1837)
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Tsiistre (327) drill core
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Chemical composition and physical properties of the rock
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Clastic dikes in Middle Devonian sandstones of the Gauja Formation, southeastern Estonia
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The geology of the Baltic republics
171D profiil: Plavinas kuni Rezekne
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Geology and Mineral Resources of Estonia
109,118,1224.5-486m; Devon
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Lithological characteristics of the uppermost terrigenous Devonian complex in Estonia
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The Middle Cambrian of Estonia
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On the genesis of Ordovician and Silurian dolomites at the contact with Devonian deposits
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Devon i karbon Pribaltiki
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Contact between the Ordovician and Devonian in South-East Estonia
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Raspredelenie akcessornyh mineralov v nižne-srednedevonskih otloženiâh Pribaltiki
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Lithology and mineral resources of the terrigenous Devonian of the Main Devonian field
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The deposits of the Shyashuv and Viesite Formations on the territory of Estonia
Kleesment, 1964, välipäevik 19
Välipäevik nr 19: Tsiistre (Mära) 327 puurauk
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Välipäevik nr 11: Mära 327, Võru 359, Petseri 330 puurauk