Asker, Oslo Region, Norway
General info
Name Asker, Oslo Region, Norway
Type geographical place or area
Country Norway
Latitude 59.8345
Longitude 10.4371
Coordinate precision 1-10 km
Coord. method Google Maps / Earth
Coord. agent Aaloe, Aasa
Location remarks Asker is a municipality in the county of Akershus, Norway and a suburb of Oslo. Tsentri koordinaadid.
Strat. base
Date added 2005-05-06
Date changed 2016-09-26
Grahn & Nõlvak, 2007a
Remarks on older Ordovician Chitinozoa and biostratigraphy of the Oslo Region, southern Norway
102Oslo-Askeri lääneosa skeem
Worsley et al., 1982
The Silurian succession of the Oslo region
Mori, 1978
Stromatoporoids from the Silurian of the Oslo Region, Norway
Bassett & Rickards, 1971
Notes on Silurian stratigraphy and correlation in the Oslo district
Orviku, K., 1960a
Über die Lithostratigraphie der Wolchow- und Kundastufe in Estland