Luutsniku 451 borehole
General info
Name Luutsniku 451 borehole
Number 451
Type borehole (section)
Country Estonia
Parish Haanja
Settlement Luutsniku
Elevation 172.00
Latitude 57.625236
Longitude 27.002769
Coord. method Est Land Board map server
Coord. agent Aaloe, Aasa
Location remarks Luutsniku keskusest ca 300m kagus
Strat. top
Strat. base
Remarks Puuritud 1975, kaardistamine; EGF 3376
Estonian Land Board ID 1096
Date changed 2018-12-05
Järvelill et al., 2019
Provenance of heavy minerals in the Quaternary deposits of the Lemme outcrop, Estonia, based on optical microscopy, X-ray diffractometry and scanning electron microscope microanalysis
77, 80-81435.1m, Rezekne
Kleesment et al., 2012
Linkage of diagenesis to depositional environments and stratigraphy in the northern part of the Baltic basin
Kleesment, 2009b
Roundness and surface features of quartz grains in Middle Devonian deposits of the East Baltic and their palaeogeographical implications
Kleesment, 1998a
Authigenic overgrowths of detrital feldspar grains in the Devonian sequence of the East Baltic
Raukas & Teedumäe, 1997 (eds)
Geology and Mineral Resources of Estonia
115,118298.7-389.2m Devon
Kleesment, 1995a
Lithological characteristics of the uppermost terrigenous Devonian complex in Estonia
Pirrus, 1991a
The Middle Cambrian of Estonia
Kleesment et al., 1987b
On nomenclature of substages of the Narva Regional Stage
174-175317 - 377.4m pakutakse Leivu kihtide(?) stratotüübiks
Mens & Pirrus, 1986, välipäevik 38
Välipäevik nr 38: Cm/O piiripaljandid - Türisalu, Tallinn, Pakri neem (1986 ja hiljem)
Valiukevičius et al., 1986
Korrelâciâ i organičeskie ostatki otloženij narovskogo gorizonta
Kleesment, 1984
The effect of secondary processes on the ratios of allothigenic minerals
Kleesment et al., 1980
Contact between the Ordovician and Devonian in South-East Estonia
Kleesment, 1975, välipäevik 33
Välipäevik nr 33: Madona, Remte, Riešutine, Baltinava, Katlakalns, Uulu 318 ja 323 puurauk (kirjeldused 1975, 1976)
54453.9m O/D piir
Viiding, 1975, välipäevik 16
Välipäevik nr 16: Luutsniku 451, Hino 452 puurauk
1-975-298.7 Devon
Kleesment, 1974, välipäevik 32
Välipäevik nr 32: Baltinava, Palanga, Luutsniku puurauk