Paluküla F-170 borehole
General info
Name Paluküla F-170 borehole
Number F-170
Type borehole (section)
Country Estonia
Parish Pühalepa
Settlement Paluküla
Elevation 21.50
Latitude 58.981623
Longitude 22.812537
X 6538673
Y 431721
Coord. agent Eesti Geoloogiakeskus (EGK)
Location remarks Paluküla kirikust 700-730m kagus
Strat. top
Strat. base
Remarks EGF 3288; puuritud 1973 ehitusmaterjalidele
Estonian Land Board ID 1052
Date changed 2022-11-21
Kivisilla et al., 1999
Catalogue of chemical analyses of major elements in the rocks of the crystalline basement of Estonia
Suuroja et al., 1991
Süvakaardistamine Hiiumaal M 1:200 000, 1986.-1991. a
Kala et al., 1984b
Main features of the Kärdla buried crater
Suuroja & Gromov, 1974
Aruanne kristalliinse vundamendi kerkimisest Hiiumaa kirdeosas ning hinnang graniitkillustiku osas