Jaama 3 borehole
General info
Name Jaama 3 borehole
Number 3
Type borehole (section)
Country Estonia
Parish Illuka
Settlement Karoli
Elevation 31.60
Latitude 59.048197
Longitude 27.739439
X 6551465
Y 714504
Coord. agent Eesti Geoloogiakeskus (EGK)
Location remarks Kuningaküla-Vasknarva tee ääres (ehk Jaama küla teeristist 2-3 km põhja pool, Permisküla teest läänes)
Strat. top
Strat. base
Remarks Puuritud 1965 K-Järve geol rühma poolt (kirj E. Erisalu, 1966); põlevkiviotsingud 1965-66 Peipsi-äärsel alal; südamik livideerus Rutiku tulekahjus 1969. O/Cm piir 124.8m, Cm/V 218.1 (piir kokkuleppeline, slamm), V/Pr 242.2m. Cm 93.3 m, Vend 103 m. Kaardileht 0-35-X.
Estonian Land Board ID 9787
Date changed 2022-11-21
Pirrus, E., 2010 (koost)
Eesti Vendi ja Kambriumi tugiläbilõiked
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Geology and Mineral Resources of Estonia
36,45Vendi-Kambriumi labilõige
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Maagiilmingute ja mineralisatsioonipunktide hindamine Eesti aluspõhjas ja aluskorras
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The Crystalline Basement of Estonian Territory
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Lithostratigraphy and facies of the Lontova stage in Estonia
140Andmeid Lontova kihistiku kohta
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Environmental control in the distribution of acritarchs in the Lontova Stage of Estonia
151akritarhide levik
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Southern slope of the Baltic Shield
32124.8-218.1m Kambrium
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Main features of carbonaceous mineralization in Cambrian terrigeneous sedimentary rocks of the Northern Baltic Area
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Lithological differences between two structural-facial belts of the East Baltic Ordovician
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Morphology of zircon in the Cambrian deposits of the Northern Baltic
Mens & Pirrus, 1971
On stratigraphy Vendian-Cambrian bordering beds in the north-west of the Russian platform
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The crust of weathering of laminarites-clay in the north-west of the Russian platform. II. Change of mineralogical and chemical compositions and conditions of formation
granulomeetria, mineraloogia
Pirrus, 1970
The distribution of clay minerals of Vendian and Cambrian deposits in East Estonia
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Kristalliinse vundamendi uuringutulemused
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Geoloogiline aruanne eeluuringust Eesti põlevkivimaardla Peipsiääre väljal 1965.-1966. a
Mens & Pirrus, 1965, välipäevik 4
Välipäevik nr 4: V-Roela, Ellavere, Palamuse, Rannapungerja , Jaama puurauk