Tagasi otsingusse
Tindal et al., 2021

First report of fish trace fossils Undichna from the Middle Devonian Achanarras Limestone, Caithness Flagstone Group

Tindal, B. H., Shillito, A. P., Davies, N. S.
AjakiriScottish Journal of Geology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Two newly discovered specimens of the fish locomotion trace Undichna (U. britannica and Undichna isp.) are described from the Middle Devonian Achanarras Limestone Member (Caithness Flagstone Group, NE Scotland). Fish trace fossils have not previously been reported from the Achanarras Limestone Member, despite decades of study of the unit as a key locality for fish body fossils. The traces comprise discontinuous sinusoidal grooves; one showing multiple parallel incisions, created by the fins of an acanthodian fish swimming close to the substrate. The apparent absence of trace fossils attributable to infaunal or epifaunal benthic organisms suggests that the sediment at the bottom of the lake was relatively inhospitable. The low ichnodiversity of the Achanarras Limestone Member is likely due to low oxygen levels in the depositional environment.

Viimati muudetud: 26.10.2023
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