Kemeri borehole
General info
Name Kemeri borehole
Type borehole (section)
Country Latvia
Strat. base
Date added 2018-07-30
Date changed 2018-10-10
Brangulis, 1985
The Vendian and Cambrian of Latvia
44, 54, 83-84
Mens et al., 1984
Structure and stratigraphy of the upper part of the Cambrian sequence in the eastern part of the East Baltic area
40, 41
Kurshs, 1975
Lithology and mineral resources of the terrigenous Devonian of the Main Devonian field
8asukoht kaardil
Mens & Pirrus, 1972, välipäevik 43
Välipäevik nr 43: Läti puuraugud (kirjeldatud 1972-1979)